So tonight i'm heading out to a new bar where i will be throwing my weds. party again "DAMAGED!" Its off the corner of Meridian and 4th (407 Meridian Ave. South Bch) This venue is similar to the room (4 blocks away) but is slightly larger with a great selection in beers from all over the world. The venue is decorated in rock memorabilia like John Lennon, The Police, Hendrix posters and is dark and hidden. I was originally going to move my wed. party to tues nights but i have personal obligations on tues nights that are more important (family) every week. Also weds. just need more options in MIA! Since i decided to put DAMAGED! on summer break i have ventured out a couple of wed. nights. Let me tell you things are pretty bland out there so the more options on a wed. the better. I think a proper launch will happen within a couple of weeks ALTHOUGH, i have been thinking about not doing a big deal launch and letting the party evolve organically. The venue sells itself and all it really needs is a soundtrack! After watching "This is England" i missed the days when you could hear the smiths, trex, buzzcocks, the jam, two tone stuff etc...Actually this reminds me of a party from way back called "BLOW UP" that i used to throw. So my take on weds. will be that and i will stand my ground on that. More info on DAMAGED! soon. If your down to chk out the new venue email me or text me-tonight is a preview for friends & the curious.
Ok,I cannot believe I'm just seeing this now! Coinsidently I'm staying a block away at a friend's flat and I even parked next to the bar! We did not know what to do,so we headed to the room, AGAIN! Hope it went well... There is always next week.
i have not launched the party again yet-i just went and hung out with friends. there is no dj yet and the venue needs some additional basic things etc..But i like going there for drinks without bumping into everyone. i will keep eveyone posted on the start date regardless you should go by and chk out the bar.
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