I open it up and my iphone was waiting for me. This is not a promotional scam like you see on myspace or countless other websites. I'm very lucky that a marketing company came up with this marketing project which includes giving select taste makers (as they call it) in diff. cities a iphone. Thanks guys! Now if i could only get you to pay my rent and all my bills every mth, then guys we are talking about mega branding on my behalf.

Above: The new phone
PS: Do not ask me how to get one for free this marketing company picks the people.
Congratulations! Happy to see that you got it!
technology at it's best
good looks man. i still have an extra one if anyone you know is interested! and that's only because i work for apple :)
yo edgar (opps sorry if i'm not suppose to use real names on blogs) but hold on to that extra phone if things continue as they are it might become harder to get your hands on these pieces. Question: I can't seem to send out emails but im receiving them to my phone via gmail..any advice?? sorry for the tech support question
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