advocate for having a cleaner earth
due to global warming but after
seeing our freakish weather in
the past yrs and getting a dose of
"An Inconvenient Truth" even I
have become more eco worried. Then comes
this Live Earth Concert i watched
over this past weekend. To my surprise
this thing was massive (not a bunch
of hyppie lovin bands-Phish/Blues Travelers)
They had mega bands The Police, Kanye,
Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Madonna etc...
and from all diff countries and multi broadcasting.
My take was "wow even the countries
most un-involved rock stars are taking
a shit about our planet falling apart in ten years"
BUT! Then today as i explore the internet
i find this interesting fact about MADONNA.
I decided to post the entire article since
i feel its important that people are not
fooled just because a musician performs on stage
supporting a good cause.

"Green' Means Money, Not Environmentalism to Madonna"
Madonna had better clean up her business before she starts cleaning up the world.The Material Mom is the headliner at tomorrow night's Live Earth show from London's Wembley Stadium. But guess what? For her, the word green means money,not the environment.
Madonna, who seems to be on top of all her many business endeavors, has actually invested about $2.7 million dollars in companies that are creating the destruction that Live Earth is trying to raise awareness about. She has invested in several companies named as the biggest corporate polluters in the world. It's a cruel irony that Madonna's Ray of Light Foundation owns blocks of shares in companies that folks like Al Gore and Leonardo DiCaprio would like to see punished and rehabilitated for their attitudes toward global warming, climate control and basic pollution.
The companies include Alcoa, Ingersoll Rand, Weyerhaeuser, and several others associated with oil exploration, digging, and refining including British Petroleum, Schlumberger (a chief competitor of Halliburton), Devon Energy, Peabody Energy, Emerson Electric, Kimberly Clark and Weatherford International. In 2002, the University of Massachusetts' Political Research Institute ranked Alcoa No. 9 on a list of all-time toxic American companies. And I don't mean toxic as in toxic bachelor. This is toxic as in air pollution.
The same UMass PRI study ranked Ford Motor Company at No. 7 on the Toxic Top 10. Northrop Grumman was No. 17.Weyerhaeuser was No. 42. Emerson Electric was No. 56. 3M Corp was No. 70. Kimberly Clark was No. 96.You get the picture. Madonna's Ray of Light Foundation has stock in each of these companies. Her last published tax statement claims $4.2 million in corporate stock, and only $620,000 in donations to other charities including her pet project: the Kabbalah Center.
Madonna even has 175,000 shares of Ford Motor Company, which in 2005 — the last year for which Ray of Light Foundation's tax form is available — had only one hybrid SUV in its fleet. Even now, but certainly then, Ford was/is not known as a green company. The only obvious thing Ford and Madonna have in common is Detroit — although it could be argued that only Ford has retained its Midwest accent.Take Weyerhaeuser Corporation, a "forest products" company that is basically in the business of killing trees for paper and wood for housing. In 2005, Madonna owed roughly 1,100 shares valued at an average price of $63. Since then, the share price is up to around $80. If her number of shares remained constant, she's made a nice profit over the last two years. But Weyerhaeuser is no friend of the green community. A story posted on the Rainforest Action Network details Weyerhaeuser's ongoing fight with environmental activists who call the Seattle-based corporation "a bad investment" and "one of America's worst environmental performers."
Even if more than half the Network's characterizations of Weyerhaeuser are hyperbolic, one has to wonder why Madonna has put even a penny into the company if she has any feeling for environmental causes. But that's an inconvenient question for the material girl as she prepares to close the Live Earth show live from London.
Worse — public relations-wise — than Weyerhaeuser is Madonna's investment in Alcoa, the Aluminum Company of America. Alcoa is under fire all over the world, especially in Iceland, for building aluminum smelters that some feel threaten the environment.The Ray of Light Foundation's Schedule of Realized Gains and Losses is revealing in many ways. It shows that Madonna, while eager to espouse politically correct beliefs, simply does not put her money where her mouth is. The Ray of Light Foundation, for example, has only a few hundred shares of one media company: Viacom. Madonna didn't even carry an investment in Warner Music Group, the company that releases her music.
Above: Taken from WWW.FOXNEWS.COM
Awareness? The developed world is already highly aware of the fact of global warming. The debate is over whether or not humankind is the primary contributor to the trend.The concerts were held on the premise of "raising awareness". At the same time, this PR effort produced 1000+ tons of garbage, resulted in countless gallons of fuel used by airplanes and cars for the performers and the concert-going attendees, and used countless kilowatts of electricity to power the events. The producers, Al Gore, the musicians, and/or somebody has made a lot of money. And unless 100% of that money goes to actually making tangible improvements for our Earth, then it is just another PR gimmick. What a joke!!!
I feel humankind is the primary contributor to the trend. Because in the end we are the ones running this world. My post was mainly targeting Madonna's hypocritical performance. But going back to to your comment-i do feel this/these events result in some level of awareness. The commercials between sets were informative, even if its just a trend to transfer over to energy saving light bulbs for now. But in the end your right unless they managed to produce this whole event in a enviornment friendly way, the end result might not even be worth it.
i brush my teeth in the shower
that works
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