So i got a couple of emails to my
personal email acct. asking why
i dont post daily club events/parties
as well as pics. My reply: PEOPLE this
is my personal blog im not a club
night directory nor a party pic website.
I usually post events if i myself are
venturing out or if its a worthy
enough event to mention. And as for
pics i take personal pics of my nights out
or of my personal events. I dont rely on
random party pics to boost my hits on
my blog nor do i desire to. There are
plenty of other websites for that. Thanks!
allow anon to mention something noteworthy to save you the bother...
anon has had the recent good fortune of accidentily finding an amazing little cafe/hangout spot in downtown called Soya & Pomodoro. Firstly...it is located in a vaulted, gothic like corridor of an old miami building...reminds me of the narrow streets of Barcelona. Very atmospheric.
Secondly and more impressive is the food. If you are a vegitarian....youll love it...if you are a carnivore you'll love it...if you love flavorfull food with the touch and heart of Europe....it's here. Prices are extremely affordable. Serves beer, wine and carafs of minted black tea. Seriously the soul of Europe is here. Great latte's ($1.50) cappacino, espresso, etc.
And to top it off...they do Thursday nite jams with live music till 12am!!! and Friday happy hours....
I really think there is major potential for Josh or any connisouir of great taste to start chic dinner parties there?!?!?... Imagine a long dinner table like alice in wonderland full of good food and friends with classic italian disco making all the indie chicks chic-a-boom-boom....ahh...i salivate for the vogue life.
Check it out yall...120 NE 1st Street Downtown.
PS- Anon is in no way associated with the place....just a really satisfied patron mentioning something worthy enough to venture out to.
PSS- If your idea of good food is Next Cafe on lincoln rd....dont even show up....unless you really want an idea of good food.
PSSS- The owner, Armando, is cooler than blue suede shoes.
God i love the discription-thanks for the lead anon. keep it coming!!!!!!
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