Thursday, June 28, 2007


TRANSFORMERS (1986) A review by CineMassacre.
So with all this Transformers frenzy going on i decided
to post this review of the original animated movie
that came out in the 80"s. And yes folks i was actaully in
the movie theatre when this movie came out! So all you
people that are going bananas over the new movie
coming out realize your getting a movie very off from
the original concept. Its basically movie executives
getting a original idea and repackaging to you clueless
people. I will problaby go see the NEW version
of transformers movie just to see how much
they will destroy a classic cartoon i grew up with.

Above: review of original 1986 tranformers movie

PS: If by miracle of god this movie turns out
to be actually decent or worth the $9
bucks i will definit. post my feedback on
my experience. Don't hold your breath!

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