deserve all the hype since they have put MIA on the map in the toy/art/design world!

A Miami art collective reimagines playscapes and playthings.
Gap-toothed clouds, spermish aquatic creatures, and spongy mountains topped with hyper-cheerful snowcap faces: Rainbow Valley (A) looks more like a warped Mario Bros. level than a wholesome jungle gym. But that's what you get when you let artsters design a playground for a shopping mall. Best-known for an amoeba-bodied creature named Malfi (B) and other handmade, high-concept plush toys, Miami-based collective Friends With You installed the structure in south Florida's Aventura Mall last year. (A prototype called Cloud City (C) was on display at Miami MOCA in late 2005.) "We want you to warp into an altered state within an altered place," says FWY cofounder Arturo Sandoval. "It doesn't look like any other playground, because we aren't playground designers."
Expect more play areas from the collective in the future. "We have designs for specific cultural playgrounds," says Sam Borkson, the other founder of FWY, "including one for adults."
More-portable works by Friends With You — a giant blimp from the Skywalkers series (D), stuffies (E), and aluminum household talismans — will be featured in May at the Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin in Miami. Because nothing says hyper-cheerful like an enormous floating monster.
For the actual article go to
Friends with You - WIZARD VID designed for NIKE
To enter the world of Friends with You go to: WWW.FRIENDSWITHYOU.COM
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