I try to be impartial when it comes to local publications and not feature one over the other. In this case i'm writing a bit on Rag Magazine. Rag is a publication strictly for music lovers and targets the local music scene. It's been around for awhile now doing it's thing minding it's business but serving as a directory of sorts for the local music scene. The magazine is one of few or the only one that you can find rehearsel spaces for your band or if you need to find other musicians to play with this is one source. It also has the other bits like concerts, band interviews, etc... I love the fact thats it's still printed in black and white kind of like a fanzine. The Nice people at Rag occasionally will feature blogs like this one and print some of it in it's publication. Rag Magazine can be picked up at a local Books & Books store or go to:
PS: INTERPOL (LIVE) at the Bank United Ctr (UM)
Sept. 19 for more info: WWW.INTERPOLNYC.COM
more local blogs like yours should be supporting local magz like RAG! would not miss Interpol for anything! planning a field trip! great post!
Show was good, production was a joke. what the hell was that projection you could barely see it on stage. and the lighting was awful like the poor man's coldplay lighting rig. As a person that has put together numerous productions with $0 to $XXXXXXX dollars that was bad and should be corrected. Afterparty was intimate but fun, band didnt show up till 1: 45 but the pool table at the shoreclub had the usual suspects. Daniel likes Bushmills Whiskey?
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