It's always good to see ex-Revolver resident djs blow up after they leave this city. Well most of them (the smart & talented ones atleast) I came across this movie trailer as i was researching new independant movies coming out. I clicked on this trailer to check it out, then i noticed the lead actor looked like my friend & revolver ex resident dj cris that moved to nyc a while back. Of course i had to watch the trailer several times to make sure it was cris but the credits at the end without a doubt confirmed it. I'm not going to lie i have not seen the movie, i have read good reviews though. Regardless i don't care if the movie sucks, Cris is in the movie and i would pay to see my friend acting or making he first attempts at it. Cris i'm proud of you & "you" mostly deserve anything good that comes out of this movie. To think huh?

Above: Movie Poster

Above: Erin Fisher & Cris Lankenau in action
Quiet City Trailer
jessica O. was in chicago last week, met her out for some drinks...she told me about the film! so exciting! looks like cris did an amazing job from the trailers. good for him!
yeah, im trying to see the movie in the theathers but not sure if its gonna get released down here, if not dvd it is. Cris was one of my favs djs-out of many that i have gone through. He deserves it all!!
PS: How is chicago? you seem perminent there..
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